Monthly Archives: January 2016

New TREATMENT Approach for Injured Workers


Our objective is to offer the injured worker, insurer and employer a proven and accepted interdisciplinary approach that is recommended throughout the ACOEM, ODG and MTUS guidelines. The iRestore Functional Restoration Program (FRP) incorporates well researched, multidimensional, documented methods and technology that will result in decreasing pain, with an objective of returning the injured worker to the workforce and achieving social and functional goals for a more meaningful life for those motivated for this purpose. This is the first time that this successful fee based program is being incorporated into the insurance arena as well. We consider this a breakthrough and win-win for all parties in the work comp marketplace.



  • It is critical to establish and treat the cause of the disorder and not just meet the guidelines for those selected to participate. Our program provides long-term results rather than the traditional medical model that examines and treats the symptoms with much higher cost.
  • We provide successful, non-invasive, non-pharmacological strategies that determine the cause of their pain, not just merely address their symptoms.
  • We apply the latest and scientifically validated technologies that provide objective baselines for pre and post treatment comparisons.
  • We restore the structural integrity of the body’s design, and imbalances in posture that cause stress and pain.
  • The iRestore program targets individuals that desire and need to go through a FRP because traditional treatment has not produced the desired results
  • Our focus is on the patient, their goals, needs, and improving their life. We use a biopsychosocial approach to address the fears that seriously affect the pain and dependency pattern
  • We sponsor development of the patient’s Locus of Control so the results are more relative to their individual situation.
  • We require personal commitment of the patient to change, re-evaluate, refocus and generate new energy in order to restore a meaningful life.
  • Patient education is the cornerstone to achieve a cognitive shift from passive treatment to self-management. Our therapists are aware of multiple teaching and training methods and are able to present the information and education in the best format for each patient to learn. This is essential because of the cognitive impairments they suffer as a result of their medications and emotional distress.



  • Establish a path to independent self-management with home-based exercise program.
  • Reduce need for medication because of the unwanted and dangerous side effects
  • Get them moving and functional again to improve their quality of life.
  • Eliminate the potential for unnecessary tests or surgery, and unsuccessful therapy.
  • Return patient to work, improve function and achieve claim resolution



Our interdisciplinary approach offers programs focused on general health through motion, education regarding functional activities, ergonomics, and self-awareness, and of course pain relief. All are based on the importance of restoring and maintaining musculoskeletal, psychological and emotional balance.

Treatment will be provided by Posture Alignment Specialists certified by Egoscue University®, with many years of experience and areas of proficiency in multiple complementary and traditional therapeutic interventions for the best and most timely outcomes using a complete biopsychosocial approach. Our program will be held to the highest standards and accountability.

  1. All prospective patients will go through a rigorous intake evaluation to see if they will be accepted into this program.
  2. The patient begins a 2-week trial process with an exacting postural and functional assessment for our baseline. Photos and videos are analyzed together with the patient to reveal the imbalances causing the symptoms
  3. The data is entered into proprietary, individualized and standardized software to creating a customized home based exercise program.
  4. Instructions are given to the patient one on one, on paper and e-mailed to them so they can see videos, pictures and instructions of the exercises.
  5. The exercises are carefully monitored for accurate performance and continual updating to accommodate the changes taking place in their musculo-skeletal system.
  6. We also interact with the patient by webcam, Internet or phone as needed.
  7. Breathing, (Heart Rate Variability), relaxation, and client feedback are emphasized throughout their care.
  8. The client-centered approach uses daily journals to rank and rate symptoms, pain, disability, sleep, attitudes and experiences by the patient.
  9. Group activities provide support and stimulation.



The iRestore FRP meets and exceeds the ACOEM, ODG and MTUS guidelines. Included in our assessment and format is self reporting and ranking of symptoms, disability, functional performance and psychosocial parameters, which reflect quality of life. These records show increments of improvement for outcome measures. We also use standardized, objective testing to document improvement. The exercise diary and demonstrations by the patient confirm their compliance with the program.


Ron Lefkowitz, , PAS

Founder, iRestore FRP
